HEALTH TIPS: African Tribal Tattoos for Girls

Some Useful Health Tips

Youngsters of these years prefer to be slim in view to look more young and beautiful. This thought is more on young ladies than young men. Loosing weight and looking slim is really wonderful. This is really a dream of those who are bulky in look. This can be achieved by exercising regularly together with diet control. Those who want to be fit in all respects must get up early in the morning. Eight hours sleep is sufficient for a healthy man. Sleeping more is not good to the body. Hence after eight hours comfortable sleep everybody should get up early in the morning. Morning is the best time for doing daily exercises. During morning hours the environment will be slightly cool even during summer. Hence doing exercises in the morning will not make people to get tired so easily. People can breathe fresh air during morning hours. The process polluting atmospheric air will not have started in the morning. Hence the ideal time for doing exercises is morning. Apart from exercising, people can choose either walking or swimming. Both for walking and swimming morning are highly desirable. Walking is beneficial in numerous ways comparing to exercising. Walking can be performed by all irrespective age and health conditions where as heaPublish Postlth should be considered preliminarily while doing exercises. There may be some side effects in the process of doing exercises. For a fresher there may be pain or uneasiness in the body on successive days. The fresher has to experience these difficulties until their body respond to the exercising process. But in walking no such difficulties can be found. For a fresher in walking, minimum distance is sufficient for the first day. Then the distances can be gradually increased in the next coming days. In this way individuals can walk considerable distances daily. If both walking and exercising are continued the people can maintain good health through out in their life.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

African Tribal Tattoos for Girls

African Tribal Tattoos for Girls

With the growing popularity of tribal tattoos, African tribal artwork too has come into prominence. Though not very common in the tattoo world, there is lot to explore about this artwork. This article reveals some interesting facts about the African tribal artwork.African tribal tattooing differs completely from the conventional tattooing artwork. These tribal tattoos owe their origin to African tribal belts where pigment is not used for tattooing rather cuts on skin are inflicted to create scars.These wounded scars are considered as tattoos.According to the African scarification history, Africa tribal tattoos/scars were created in two different ways.While some cuts were done with sharp blades, others were created by pulling the skin with fish hooks and then slicing the skin with the blade. The inflicted wounds were further inflamed by rubbing ashes and other substances to make them swell and to leave a distinctive mark on the skin.However, with time there have been significant changes in this art form. The modern African tribal tattooing procedure is done in a better and more sterile environment.

African Tribal Tattoos for Girls

Today the scaring process takes place
in well-lighted tattoo art shops, where sterilized tools are used for creating scars. Moreover, the inflammation of wound is achieved by applying peroxide/ petroleum jelly and scabs are peeled away to prolong the healing process, in oredr to create everlasting marks on the skin.Reasons for Getting African tribal TattooWhether you want to go for a painful African tribal scarring or not is totally a matter of personal choice.

Practiced by Africans and some Europeans and Americans, the African tribal scarring is done for following reasons:

African Tribal Tattoos for Girls

    o beautify the body with enticing and everlasting patterns
    To test ones inner strengths
    To mark significant moments in ones life

Unknown Facts about African Tribal DesignThere are some African tribal designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.

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